All You Need to Know About Cryo Fat Freezing

There are many procedures of fat freezing and one of them is cryo fat freezing. Cryo fat freezing is a technique that is used to reduce body fat from a specific part of the body. Cryo fat freezing is a sculpting technology that allows one to remove the fat bulges of the body. This process is also known as cryolipolysis.

Cryolipolysis is a medical procedure that uses freezing temperatures to reduce fat. In this process, the temperature ranges from -5 to +5 deg Centigrade. This process helps by removing the stubborn fat from a specific part of a body.

Cryolipolysis basically is a non-invasive procedure in which a controlled temperature is applied to the body part which breaks down the fat cells resulting in fat loss. This process helps in maintaining the contours of the body. This process is completely safe and does not require any kind of cuts of surgeries. Cryolipolysis is approved by FDA and it is found that one can get up to 20% of fat reduction.

This process targets fatty areas that usually do not respond to any kind of exercise or a healthy diet. In the treatment, controlled freezing technology is used to crystallize the fat cells. In this process, only the fat cells are frozen keeping the rest of the tissues unharmed.

Within just a few minutes of treatment, you will feel intense cooling on the treating part of the body. You might feel some pulling sensation just because the machine uses suction to target an area. Within just some minutes, the area becomes numb and then it starts working on the fat cells.

After the treatment, you will feel some tickling sensation in the affected area as the area is messages for a couple of minutes. The fat cells are condensed which results in the reduction of the fat layer. You might not notice any kind of effect soon after the treatment but within just some weeks you will start feeling the change.

Who is suitable for such treatments?

This process is suitable for both men and women which includes the areas as flanks, abdomen, love handles, tummy, belly, and thighs. You must note that this process is not a weight-loss treatment or obesity treatment. People who are ideal for this have to undergo the treatment who have nearly ideal body weight. However, even after the treatment people have to follow a healthy diet along with regular exercise. You might also notice the stubborn bulges that are not disappeared.

Safety and side effects

This process is completely safe and has a high success rate than any other fat reduction process. There is very minimal downtime and you don’t need any kind of recovery period. Patients can even resume their day-to-day activities from the next day itself.

Possible side effects that may be seen immediately after the treatment are redness in the area, some itching, blanching, firmness, stinging and swelling. However, these are temporary and would be invisible within some days. Make sure that you give some time to see the effects.

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